Saturday, November 27, 2010

Useful Korean expressions (1) - Exam

I was studying for my finals and suddenly thought it would be great to introduce you some Korean expressions about "Exam" :)  Arn't I too nice writing this for you ? xD

Let's start!!
*I tell you I will cover only the Informal way to speak, so only friends to friends*

1. (이거) 너무 어려워 ㅠㅠ - (It's) too difficult!! (can say w/o subject)
 (Ee Guh) Nuh Mu / Uh Ryeo Wuh ~~
* If you put 'Yo' after the sentence, you can say that to elders :) 너무 어려워~

2. 나 공부하기 싫어 - I don't want to study.
  Na / Gong Bu Ha Gi / Si Ruh !! ( I said this like 20times today haha )

3. 니꺼 보여줘 - Show me yours
 Ni Gguh / Bo Yeo Juh

*It's kinda funny to teach you this expression :P but you can say this not only for 'cheating' haha but anytime when you want to see someone's thing.

4. 같이 도서관에서 공부하자 - Let's study together in a library
Gat Ee / Do Seo Gwan Eh Seo / Gong Bu Ha JA
( Who knows? This is one of things I put on my 'Must-do with my bf' list. hehe)

5. 조금만 쉬자 - Let's take a little break
Jo Gum Man / Shi Ja

* You can use 'Jo Gum Man' with verb.. See
ex) 조금만 먹자~ -  Let me eat some~
      조금만 놀자~ - Let's have fun a little

*Today's Words*

Gong Bu : 공부 ( Study)
Ni Gguh : 니꺼 ( Yours)
Gat Ee : 같이 ( Together)
Do Seo Gwan : 도서관 (A library)
Jo Gum Man : 조금만 ( A little)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to introduce yourself in Korean?

There are a few typical things that we usually say when meeting someone at first.
누군가를 처음 만났을 때 얘기하는 몇 가지 전형적인 것들이 있어요.

Name, Age, Hobbies, Hometown.
이름, 나이, 취미, 고향

You will need to say 'Hi' to start a conversation, right? :)
먼저 인사를 할 필요가 있을거에요, 그렇죠?

Here are some greetings we say.

안녕! / 안녕하세요. -Hi
An nyeong / An nyeong ha sae yo (in a formal way)

만나서 반가워 / 만나서 반갑습니다
                                                                                                                    -Nice to meet you
Man na seo ban  ga wuh / Man na seo ban gab sum ni da. 

내 이름은 ooo 이야 / 제 이름은 ooo 입니다
                                                                               - My name is ____.
Nae ee rum eun _____ ee ya / Jae ee rum eun _____ eep ni da

( Nae changes to Jae, when you introduce yourself to elders.)

나는 ____ 살 이야 / 저는 _____ 살 입니다. - I'm ____ years old.
Na num _____ sal ee ya / Jeo num ____ sal eep ni da

(It might be a cultural difference for you. We usually ask one's age at first meeting. :P so that we know wether to use an honorific way to speak :3 )

나는  ____ 에서 왔어 / 저는 ______ 에서 왔어요 - I am from _____
Na nun _____ eh seo wat seo / Jeo nun _____ eh seo wat seo yo.

나의 취미는 예) 독서하기야 / 저의 취미는 독서하기 입니다. - My hobby is reading books
Na eu chui mi nun dok seo ha gi ya / Jeo eu chui mi nun dok seo ha gi eep ni da.

*Today's word*
인사 : In sah (greeting)
이름 : Ee rum (name)
나이 : Na ee ( age)
~ 에서 : place + ~ eh seo (~ from )
               ex) Mee gook eh seo  (from the U.S.)
취미 : Chui mi (hobby)