Monday, March 14, 2011

Useful Korean expressions - Ed Ashley 기념 포스트 (2)

Okay~ I am telling you this might be not useful even though the title is 'Useful Korean expressions'. haha
I am warning you~ :P

This post is specially for Ed who lives in Singapore(ha! personal information!) and bullies me every time we talk!! but I know she is a big fan of me. MUHAHAHA lol ( Unni, I can guess what kinda face you are making now :P)

I am going to tell you what she says to bully me in Korean. ehem! READY?

okay, 고고씽!

1. 너 미쳐버렸구나! You have gone crazy!
Neo Mi Chyo Buh Reot Gu Na! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

If I ask her to pick one word that can describe me, she will definitely say 'CRAZY'. lol
I swear~ I'm not crazy~ 저 안미쳤어요~ I am normal! 난 평범하다구요!! Arn't I..?

2. 너 대체 무슨말 하는거니.. 무슨 소리 하는거야? ㅋㅋ You are talking alien again....
Nuh Dae Chae Mu Seun Mal Ha Nuen Guh Ni. Mu Seun So Ri Ha Neun Guh Ya?

I guess she is from Mars... That's why she sometimes can't understand what I say. It's really hard to deal with someone who is not an earthian... :S hehehehe

3. 멍청아!! You silly! You dumbo.
Mung Chung Ah!!!

*sigh* I am not dumb........ :'( *sniff sniff*

4. 대체 왜 날 괴롭히는 거야~ㅜㅜ Why do you bully me~
WHY ME!!!!!!!
Dae Che Wae Nal Gue Rop Hee Nuen Guh Ya~

5. 너 때문에 미치겠다. You make me crazy.  lol
Nuh Ddae Mun Eh Mi Chi Gaet Da.

6. 가서 자! 다크서클이 턱까지 내려오겠어. You go to sleep already or your pandas will eat you up. (pandas = our pets under our eyes lol we both have good ones~ uh huh~ ;P)
Ga Seo Ja! Darkcircle Ee Tuk Gga Ji Nae Ryo Oh Gaet Uh.

턱 is a jaw, so if I literally translate it into English, it will be... Your dark circles will go down to your jaw? lol pshh

Hehehehe~ You know I like you so muchhhhh <3
Sorry 미안 언니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ<3

Useful Korean expressions - 식당에서 in a restaurant!

Today~ I am going to tell you how to order or ask things in Korean in a restaurant :D

The topic is pretty easy and basic, but I am going to cover some other stuffs too, so hope it helps  :)

Shall we start? 고고씽!

1. 메뉴판 어디있어요? 메뉴판 좀 주세요. Where is the menu? Can I get a menu ?
MenuPan Uh Di It Uh Yo? MenuPan Jom Ju Sae Yo.

Usually, when you enter a restuarant, they will ask you 'for how many people 몇 분이세요?' and then give you a table.
You answer using an ordinal number like 한 명이요. 두 명이요.

Speaking of the numbers, let me point them out in case you don't know.

*Ordinal numbers (서수) : 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯, 일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열

we use 서수 for people, time (only for hours not minutes and seconds) and counting the number of things.
ex) 세 명의 아이가 놀이터에서 놀고 있다. Three kids are playing in a playground.
    지금은 세 시 삼십 분 오십 오초 입니다.ㅋㅋㅋ It's 3:30:55 now. lol
    공책 다섯권만 주세요. 5 notebooks, please.

Cardinal numbers (기수): 일, 이, 삼, 사, 오, 육, 칠, 팔, 구, 십, 십일 ...백, 천, 만..

2. 너무 맵지 않게 해주세요. Please make it not too spicy.
Neo Mu Map Ji Ann Gae Hae Ju Sae Yo.

Korean foods are generally quite spicy, I think you might need to know how to say this :)

우와아~ 맛있는 바지락칼국수!->

3. 물 좀 주세요. 물은 어디있어요? Can I get some water? Where can I get some water?
Mul Jom Ju Sae Yo. Mul Eun Uh Di It Uh Yo?

I think, you will sometimes to see a note saying '물은 셀프' lol which means they won't serve water for you.
You should go to the water purifier and get some for yourself :D
(In a fancy restaurant, of course they will serve you the water lol )

and side dishes are 반찬 in Korean. They will give you more 반찬 for free(olleh~), if you ask for it. How nice~!

4. 얼마에요? 영수증을 주세요. How much is it? Can I get the receipt?
Ul Ma Eh Yo? Young Su Jeung Ul Ju Sae Yo.

5. 이모 ~ 여기요~ hey, excuse me!
Ee Mo~ Yeo Gi Yo!

haha I think this will be very useful. 이모 is an aunt in English, but we call them 이모 not 아줌마 as a manner and respect and it sounds more friendly. :D Well~ who knows, she will give you some more extra side dishes for calling her like that saying 아이구~ 한국말 잘하네ㅋㅋㅋ(you are good at Korean).  hehe

You can say 저기요 instead of 여기요. Both are fine and it's like 'Excuse me' in English, so you can use it in many different situations :D

후식으로는 커피를!^^

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Useful Korean Expressions - 펜팔 Penpal

Do you prefer an email or a snail mail? :)
I personally like getting an actual letter more! It takes longer but it's always worth the wait! yay!
I keep in touch with my penpals by sending emails or actual letters to them :D  Isn't it exciting to check out your mail box everyday waiting for letters from abroad? :P

Letters from my friends are like vitamins to me :D If you like writing (email is also fine!) , reading or sharing your thoughts with people (maybe with Korean for you ;P), I recommend you to make some penpals!
I am sure you will learn a lot from doing it since we talk about anything! Cultures, school system, jobs, music, and even languages :)

Today, I will tell you basic sentences you might want to write or ask on your mail :D ( Some are actually from the mistakes my pals made hehe)

1. 괜찮으시면 주소를 가르쳐주시겠어요? If it's okay for you, may I get your address?

Similar expressions you can also say are
주소를 알려주세요. 주소를 알려주시겠어요? 주소가 뭐에요? (informal)

2. 제가 먼저 보낼게요. I will start if off first.

If you decided to do a snail mail, you can use this expression :)

3. 편지를 받는데 얼마나 걸렸어요? How long did it take to get the letter?

This one also. It depends on where you live and where your penpals live, but from my expriences, it takes about 10 days to get a letter from abroad. If you live in Seoul, it takes shorter like a week? Still too long? hehe

4. (드디어) 편지를 받아서 정말 기뻐요. I'm so happy to (finally) get your letter!

One grammar point here is ~해서 ~ 하다. 원인과 결과 (reason and the result)

ex) 배가 불러 행복하다. I feel happy because I'm full. hahah Is this only me?  저만 그런가요?ㅎ
공부를 많이해서 머리가 아프다. I feel headache since I studied too much.
어젯밤 술을 많이 마셔서 속이 쓰리다. My stomach hurts since I drank too much last night.

5. 꼭 답장해 주세요. 답장 기다릴게요! Please write me back! I will look foward to hearing from you!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

[Lyrics Translation MV] IU - The Story Only I Didn't Know ( 나만 몰랐던 이야기 )

환자분 요즘도 많이 꾸세요?
Do you still dream often?
혹시 어디 불편한 곳은 없으세요?
Is there anything uncomfortable?
*혹시 : by any chance*

요즘 몸이 좀 이상해요
My body's been feeling a little strange these days
제 몸이 아닌 것 같은.. 그런거
It's like it's not mine..
(의사)선생님, 오늘 날씨 좀 이상하지 않아요?
Doctor, isn't the weather strange today? 

날씨가 이상하다는 건 어떤 의미인가요?
What do you mean, the weather is strange?

글쎄요.. 이런날엔 꼭 누가 찾아올 것 같아요
Well, it seems like someone will visit me in this weather..

You really did forget everything
정말 넌 다 잊었더라 *잊다 -> 잊었다 (past)
~ 더라 : 화자가 과거에 직접 경험하여 새로이 알게 된 사실을 그대로 옮겨 와 전달한다는 뜻을 나타내는 종결어미 (출처 : naver 국어사전) It's an ending that indicates a new fact that one found by one's own experience.
Seeing how happily you're greeting me
반갑게 날 보는 너의 얼굴 보니
Only then did I vaguely begin to feel the pain
그제야 어렴풋이 아파오더라
The wound that had yet to appear on my skin
새 살 차오르지 못한 상처가
상처 : wound
차오르다 : to rise, to fill
ex) 고마움으로 가슴이 차오르다 : My heart is filled with gratitude.
눈물이 차오르다 : My eyes are brimming with tears. 

The tears would not come
눈물은 흐르지 않더라
Since this farewell didn't seem significant
이별이라 하는게 애당치도 못해서
Since it felt so inconsequential
이렇게 보잘것없어서
*보잘것없는 : useless, trivial

A pleasant goodbye ultimately there can be no such thing
좋은 이별이란 거 결국 세상에 없는 일이란걸
If I had known, I would have cried it all out then
알았다면 그때 차라리 다 울어둘 걸
*차라리 : 여러 가지 사실을 말할 때에, 저리하는 것보다 이리하는 것이 나음을 이르는 말.
대비되는 두 가지 사실이 모두 마땅치 않을 때 상대적으로 나음을 나타낸다.
(출처: naver 국어사전)
When  both  two contrasting things are not proper, 차라리 indicates that one is relatively better han the other.   
ex) 항복하느니 차라리 죽는게 낫겠다.
I'd rather die than surrender.

At that time, that I was already a part of your ending
그 때 이미 나라는 거 네겐 이었다는 걸
Was a story only I didn't know
나만 몰랐었던 이야기

So it wasn't love
사랑은 아니었더라
It was just a moment which you spent by my side
내 곁에 머물던 시간이었을뿐
1. 머무르다 (1. 도중에 멈추거나 일시적으로 어떤 곳에 묵다)의 준말. -to stay, to lay over
ex) 나는 공사가 끝날 때 까지 친구집에서 머물렀다.  I stayed at my friend's house till the construction was finished.
2.머무르다(2. 더 나아가지 못하고 일정한 수준이나 범위에 그치다)’의 준말.- to remain
ex) 그는 열심히 노력했지만 준우승에 머물렀다. Despite of all his efforts, he ended up being a runner-up

Now I'm vaguely beginning to understand
이제야 어렴풋이 알 것만 같아
Why you could only apologize
왜 넌 미안했어야만 했는지

I must have been too excited
내가 너무 들떴었나봐
The very moment you left me, I was expecting you again
떠나는 순간 까지 기대를 했었다니
How foolish was I?
얼마나 우스웠던 거니

A pleasant goodbye ultimately there can be no such thing
좋은 이별이란거 결국 세상에 없는 일이란걸
If I had known, I would have cried it all out then
알았다면, 그때 차라리 다 울어둘 걸
At that time, that I was already a part of your ending
그때 이미 나라는 거 네겐 끝이었다는 걸
Was a story only I didn't know
나만 몰랐었던 이야기