Friday, December 10, 2010

Useful Korean expression - Anger '화'

Today, I am going to tell you how to express your ANGER in Korean.
가 났을 때 한국말로 어떻게 표현하는지 알려드릴게요.

1. 나 열받았어 -_-+ - I'm pissed off.
 Na Yeol Bat At Uh

(Yeol) means a fever, heat or temperature.
So, if you have a fever, you can say '나 열있어' or you can say '나 열나' (열이 나다.)
**열 goes with Verb 나다 / 있다.**
2. 내 신경 긁지마 - Don't rub it in. Don't get on my nerves.
Nae Sin Gyeong Guck Ji Ma ( I know 긁 is hard to pronounce. Don't worry! I will make a video for pronunciation as soon as my final ends!! )
긁다 means to rub something. 신경 means 'a nerve'
*~ 마 is an imperative.

3. 나 건들지마 - Don't touch me.
Na Gun Deul Ji Ma
I'm about to explode, so better not touch me or talk to me!!
폭발 할 지경이니까 건들지 마라는 의미가 되겠습니다~

4. 짜증나 - Annoying....(no subject here ;P could be a person, or anything)
Jja Jueng Na 

When someone is bugging you, annoying you, say this! 짜증나!!!!!
and 그만해!! is optional. :P
       (stop it)

***Today's word***

열 (Yeol) - Heat
신경 (Sin Gyeong) -A nerve
~마 (Ma) - Instruction format 
짜증 (Jjah Jueng) - Irritation
그만(Gue Man) - Stop


  1. Useful Korean expression - Anger '화'

    1. I'm really hacked off = (아)빡쳐[ahh) Ppak chyeo] - 보통 혼잣말로 쓰고 욕은 아니지만 좋은말도 아니에요
    2. (아) 진짜..[(ahh) Jin Zza..] = ahh -_-...

    나 열받았어,내 신경긁지마, 나 건들지마, 짜증나 =_=
    < 아진짜-_- < 아 빡쳐-_-+++
    이 정도 느낌?ㅋㅋ 그냥 내 생각이에요!

  2. How do you ask an older Korean if he or she is angry?
