Monday, March 14, 2011

Useful Korean expressions - 식당에서 in a restaurant!

Today~ I am going to tell you how to order or ask things in Korean in a restaurant :D

The topic is pretty easy and basic, but I am going to cover some other stuffs too, so hope it helps  :)

Shall we start? 고고씽!

1. 메뉴판 어디있어요? 메뉴판 좀 주세요. Where is the menu? Can I get a menu ?
MenuPan Uh Di It Uh Yo? MenuPan Jom Ju Sae Yo.

Usually, when you enter a restuarant, they will ask you 'for how many people 몇 분이세요?' and then give you a table.
You answer using an ordinal number like 한 명이요. 두 명이요.

Speaking of the numbers, let me point them out in case you don't know.

*Ordinal numbers (서수) : 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯, 일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열

we use 서수 for people, time (only for hours not minutes and seconds) and counting the number of things.
ex) 세 명의 아이가 놀이터에서 놀고 있다. Three kids are playing in a playground.
    지금은 세 시 삼십 분 오십 오초 입니다.ㅋㅋㅋ It's 3:30:55 now. lol
    공책 다섯권만 주세요. 5 notebooks, please.

Cardinal numbers (기수): 일, 이, 삼, 사, 오, 육, 칠, 팔, 구, 십, 십일 ...백, 천, 만..

2. 너무 맵지 않게 해주세요. Please make it not too spicy.
Neo Mu Map Ji Ann Gae Hae Ju Sae Yo.

Korean foods are generally quite spicy, I think you might need to know how to say this :)

우와아~ 맛있는 바지락칼국수!->

3. 물 좀 주세요. 물은 어디있어요? Can I get some water? Where can I get some water?
Mul Jom Ju Sae Yo. Mul Eun Uh Di It Uh Yo?

I think, you will sometimes to see a note saying '물은 셀프' lol which means they won't serve water for you.
You should go to the water purifier and get some for yourself :D
(In a fancy restaurant, of course they will serve you the water lol )

and side dishes are 반찬 in Korean. They will give you more 반찬 for free(olleh~), if you ask for it. How nice~!

4. 얼마에요? 영수증을 주세요. How much is it? Can I get the receipt?
Ul Ma Eh Yo? Young Su Jeung Ul Ju Sae Yo.

5. 이모 ~ 여기요~ hey, excuse me!
Ee Mo~ Yeo Gi Yo!

haha I think this will be very useful. 이모 is an aunt in English, but we call them 이모 not 아줌마 as a manner and respect and it sounds more friendly. :D Well~ who knows, she will give you some more extra side dishes for calling her like that saying 아이구~ 한국말 잘하네ㅋㅋㅋ(you are good at Korean).  hehe

You can say 저기요 instead of 여기요. Both are fine and it's like 'Excuse me' in English, so you can use it in many different situations :D

후식으로는 커피를!^^


  1. 지원아, 김치 좀 줘, 좀 많이 줘 ㅋㅋ

  2. 근데, 나라면, '이모'라고 불러도 되나? 나보다 젊어 보이는 점원한테는? 남성점원한테는?

  3. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 우리집에 김치 많은거 어떻게 알았지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    점원이 아줌마다-> 이모!
    점원이 할머니다-> 어머님 or 할머님
    점원이 어리다(남.여)-> 학생~ (+존댓말)
    점원이 남자다-> 형님(depending on how old he looks lol), 근데 보통 나이많은 남성분께는 '사장님'이 최고!!

  4. Hehe, I smelled it. The good Kimchi smell :) ㅋㅋ

    And as I'm already asking. What can you say when somebody gives you a compliment? Besised 고맙습니다 and 아니요 hehe.
    Not that that happens a lot to me, but when it happens I never really know what to say.

  5. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋlol well, If you don't want to make the situation awkward, just say 감사합니다 and then give her a compliment back xP like 이모 이쁘세요 사장님 멋있어요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  6. 안녕하세요~ First time visiting this site, and it's really very helpful! ^^

    I'm from Malaysia learning Korean on my own. 잘 부탁드립니다...감사합니다!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 안녕하세요 지원씨! 이 블로그에서 처음이에요.

    전 질문이 하나있어요.

    여자는 남성 점원한테 오빠라고 볼러라면 안돼겠요?
    그럼 어떡해 하면 좋아요?

    정말 감사함니다. 이 블로그 노무 재미있어요.
    수고 하세요 지원씨!
